Thursday, June 29, 2006
what the deal is..
On a more depressing note my $2 Iranian shoes finally fell apart today while playing soccer.
And my brother's cat hates me.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Scaring Indians 101
2. Cover your face.
3. Use a giant sword.
4. Scream aggressively at victim while holding sword over the head.
(I made this 3 years ago with Mahdi who was my roomate at the time. There are rings over the audio of him saying his name to maintain anonymity. Our friend Arjang who lived with his Indian friend Shurid let us into the apartment to make this incredible prank possible. Thanks Arjang :) )
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Home for the Summer
I am currently residing in my brother and his wife's home for the summer. I am working at a television station called SalaamTV and if you want to see the broadcast you can click on the link on my page 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
P.S. I bought a new monitor and it is the hotness. 20 inch widescreen ViewSonic. Here is the updated workstation at the summer residence.
I also just found the best comic strip ever. It's about a Muslim hijabi girl who lives in the US... Ninjabi
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Mashad Revisited
So I decided to revisit my experience in Mashad during my trip to the mausoleum (haram). I visited the haram twice while I was in Mashad. I went for Namaz Zuhr (
We returned shortly after namaz sob (morning prayer) which was at about
Monday, June 12, 2006
London Again
It was hard saying goodbye to family in Iran knowing I won't see them for a long time but it was a really great time. My uncle and cousin helped us out a lot and drove us around most of the time.
We now find ourselves in a Western country and it is a bit of a strange transition. My english has suffered from lack of usage but I'm sure it'll get started back up soon.
I've gained serious weight in Iran from eating an abnormal amount of beef and lack of exercise. In addition I have lost muscle mass in my chest giving me resemblance to the the Stay Puffed Marshmellow Man :(
Back in Tehran
I also went hiking with my family and friends from Tucson. I met some new homies at this waterfall.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Thursday, June 01, 2006
So, Isfahan was really nice. It was significantly cleaner and cooler than Shiraz and Tehran. We stayed at possibly the nicest hotel I will probably ever stay at.
The best site we saw had to be masjid Shah Abbas. photos here----------->
Sia se Pol was really nice... we went there at night and saw a lot of old men taking turns singing under the bridge. Wish I had the video camera when I went :(