Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Saba Girls

It has been a blessing to spend time with the orphan girls here who have made me dance for them on many occasions. They seem to enjoy making Murad sing Indian songs he remembers from his childhood and insisting we learn their own style of patty-cake. In the way that they are cared for here, it is hard to call these girls orphans. The 26 girls live in a beautiful building with a large courtyard, library, multiple classrooms, as well as a "pray and play" room. Their two room mothers look over each room of 6 that is furnished with unique bedding for each girl. The girls attend private school about ten minutes away from their home but receive private tutoring sessions after school from teachers who come to SABA Homes.

These are a few portraits we took of the girls.


Soma said...


Khadija said...
