Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Margoon Waterfall, Shiraz

Today we drove 2 and a half hours to Margoon waterfall in Shiraz. Our driver for the day, Mr. Abedi brought his wife so it felt more like a family affair. Felt like spending all day there but there are only so many hours in the day.


Les Avenge Lexi said...

your pix are so beautiful....can't wait to see em all....

how's the food?

teagirl said...
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jaasma said...

Wow Jus, these pictures are incredible!! I feel like I'm standing right there with you.....Dad said it was one of the highlights of the trip so far. Cool! Enjoy the rest of the time in Shiraz & I cannot wait to see your entrys from Esfahan!! Oh yes, I'm with Lexi wondering your thoughts on the food.........

Jaas said...

replying is difficult from my location. language encoding is messed up only when replying.
the food is blowing my mind and i went against all advice given to me about eating fruit and local boonie food. I haven't gotten sick at all and I'm even climbing trees to retrieve berries and cherries.

Les Avenge Lexi said... it all're not in iRan that often, right. and chances are you'll only be sick for a day, if you do get sick.

missed you yesterday in el paso..the boys did really well...even tim did well with his bum knee. i think i'll post some pix in my blog for ya since the gallery is down. not sure if jesus and onca won cuz tim and i left a bit early. it was tim and onca, but tim bruised himself in the second round and they let jesus sub. jesus and rock did really well, but were out after the second round. we left shortly after the third round, which included a tie breaker battle between jesus/onca and whoever they were battling.

Les Avenge Lexi said...
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Les Avenge Lexi said...

some highlights from el paso are up on my blog, as well as rock's first iBboy!!!

teagirl said...
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