Saturday, June 24, 2006

Scaring Indians 101

1. Attack during early morning (aprox. 4 am)
2. Cover your face.
3. Use a giant sword.
4. Scream aggressively at victim while holding sword over the head.

(I made this 3 years ago with Mahdi who was my roomate at the time. There are rings over the audio of him saying his name to maintain anonymity. Our friend Arjang who lived with his Indian friend Shurid let us into the apartment to make this incredible prank possible. Thanks Arjang :) )


teagirl said...
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Jaas said...

photoflow: Hahaha.. Why did you tell Laila I was evil? LOL

Laila: The only thing haraam about that clip is that Mahdi didn't bring the sword down and hit the bed. hahahaha... i miss my homie

teagirl said...
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Jaas said...

yea im gonna try to call him but his dad said he can only be reached on weekends while he is in the city.. weekdays he is in the village

teagirl said...
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Jaas said...

i have been mailin him but im sure the internet is wackness there