Thursday, June 01, 2006


I currently sit at my father's friend's computer in Tehran updating this blog. Internet connections were extra terrible in Isfahan and Mashad (at least at the places we used the internet).
So, Isfahan was really nice. It was significantly cleaner and cooler than Shiraz and Tehran. We stayed at possibly the nicest hotel I will probably ever stay at.
The best site we saw had to be masjid Shah Abbas. photos here----------->
Sia se Pol was really nice... we went there at night and saw a lot of old men taking turns singing under the bridge. Wish I had the video camera when I went :(


teagirl said...
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jaasma said...

Hey Justin!
Your entry from Isfahan is awesome. I'm glad it worked ok as you said it took a while & it's good it came through. How fun it has been for me to see your pictures even before you get home & read your words about the trip. I'm happy your journey has been so insightful & I'm anxious to see you home on the 10th!!

Les Avenge Lexi said...

ahhh, finally an update! i've been waiting quite impatiently! but i understand. absolutely beautiful. home on the 10th, but i wish you had a lot more time there...and hence more pictures!! can you take any small videos with your camera? i'd love to see some. looks like pictures can't do justice for a lot of these places....

Nate OG said...

wow. that looks insanely gorgeous. it would be awesome if you had video equipment. I'm sure you will go agian and maybe next time you can make a documentary or something. Isfahan looks beautiful though